Saturday, May 31, 2008

OK, Indiana Jones, ??? *** Caution Spoilers ***

Ok, so we saw Indian Jones and the Crystal Skull today and I need to see what everyone thought. First of all, very entertaining, great special effects, funny, etc. Ok, but no one at Lucas films thought that maybe it should all make sense??? Can someone please tell me what Jedi/Ninja was able to remove the Crystal Skull from the 13th member of the Psychic Crystal Alien Hive? I'm just getting started. So, basically the crystal aliens were just about to combine into a super alien, the exact same one from Stargate, pack things up and leave without a trace but some Conquistador climbed into the space ship and ripped off the head of one of the thirteen crystal aliens, who are psychic don't forget, which then froze them. So he left with only the one skull of thirteen and hid it away somewhere until he died, and a pyramid and booby trap guantlet was built over the space ship protected by savages?????? also the artifacts by the door??? What, The aliens collected them there??? cuz there was no room in the 1 mile radius flying saucer???? Then the aliens just bury them in the lake they left behind completely destroyed??? This all made perfect sense to Indiana Jones???? Did I miss something????? ALL I can say is Lost better make sense, A LOT of sense, when it's all said and done.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I love this post. It perfectly summed up the, great, etc., but WHAT THE HECK??

Congrats on the new baby!