Sunday, March 15, 2009

Draper Temple

We got to go to the Draper Temple and do a tour of it yesterday. It will be dedicated next week, and after that you can't go in unless you have a temple recommend. I just have to say it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The celestial room was breath taking and the sealing room was wonderful. I could totally feel such a peaceful feeling while I toured the temple. I am excited for the day that Mike and I will be sealed for time and eternity with our three beautiful children. I know that it will be soon.
Utah is so great! I am really loving it here. Katelyn and Lockton are doing suprisingly well for being uprooted in their home and town that they were used to. Katelyn loves school and Lockton is well...being a four year old fun, energetic, wonderful littly boy! Lexi is doing great. She said Mama today!!!! I know it was just a sound and not purposeful, but it melted my heart none the less. She is getting extremely close to walking. She will let go and stand there for a few seconds before she realizes that she isn't holding on to anything. Well, that is all for now, we will post more pictures soon.

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